A Guide to Finding Your Zen with CBD

Introduction is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chains. We are committed to upholding human rights and ethical practices, and this statement outlines our approach to modern slavery.

Our Business and Supply Chains is a UK-based CBD blog that does not manufacture or distribute any products directly. We rely on third-party suppliers and service providers for products, content creation, and website management. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery, and we expect the same from our suppliers and service providers.

Our Approach to Modern Slavery

We take our responsibility to prevent modern slavery very seriously, and we have implemented the following measures to ensure compliance:

We conduct due diligence on all new suppliers and service providers to ensure they comply with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes evaluating their policies and procedures to ensure they have adequate safeguards against modern slavery.
We maintain open communication with our suppliers and service providers to ensure ongoing compliance and identify any potential issues.
We provide training to our employees on identifying and reporting any signs of modern slavery, and we have established reporting channels for employees to raise concerns.
We investigate any reports or suspicions of modern slavery, and we take appropriate action to address any issues identified.

Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our approach to preventing modern slavery. We will review and update our policies and procedures as needed, and we will work with our suppliers and service providers to promote ethical practices and human rights.This statement has been approved by our management team and will be reviewed annually.